Nevada Solar for All Interest Form

Nevada Solar for All Interest Form


The Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) is gearing up to implement solar programs that benefit low-income households using a $156 million federal award from the Inflation Reduction Act's Solar for All program. The Nevada Solar for All (NSFA) program will help Nevada households access savings through solar and related energy upgrades. NCEF will administer programs that fund (1) rooftop solar for single-family homeowners, (2) solar for affordable multifamily buildings, and (3) community solar projects that benefit low-income households (including renters).

Interested households, affordable housing owners, contractors, community solar project hosts, and other stakeholders should fill out this survey to receive NSFA program updates via email.

For more information on the Nevada Solar for All program, click here. 

What type of Solar for All project are you interested in?(Required)
Are you interested in accessing financial assistance for solar-related enabling upgrades? Please select all relevant responses below.(Required)