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Nevada Clean Energy Fund announces inaugural executive director

State’s green bank to support renewable energy, energy efficiency deployment

January 19, 2022

(RENO, Nev.) – The Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of its inaugural executive director, Kirsten Stasio. NCEF is a non-profit organization, also known as a “green bank,” designed to provide innovative financing and market solutions to accelerate the development of clean energy projects in Nevada. 

“NCEF is vital to the development of Nevada’s clean energy economy,” Sharath Chandra, head of the Nevada Real Estate Division and chair of the NCEF Board of Directors, said. “We are thrilled to have Kirsten’s expertise and passion to lead the organization and build out a successful pipeline to support Nevada’s renewable energy potential and goals.”

Stasio brings over a decade of clean energy experience across the investment, policy, education, corporate and startup sectors to her new role with NCEF.

“I am honored by this opportunity to accelerate clean energy growth in Nevada,” Stasio said of her role with NCEF. “Nevada is a pioneering state on clean energy and has significant potential for growth. I look forward to helping the state harness that potential in a way that creates economic, social and environmental benefits for all Nevadans.” 

Before joining NCEF, Stasio worked at MAP Energy, an energy investment firm, where she helped scale investments in renewable energy across the United States. She also previously worked at the World Resources Institute (WRI), a non-profit, where she collaborated with policymakers and other stakeholders to implement climate finance solutions. She holds a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science from Stanford University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Davis. Kirsten moved to Nevada in 2018 with her family.

NCEF has received in-kind startup support from the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC), a non-profit that specializes in the development of green banks, in addition to support from the Governor’s Office of Energy (GOE) through repurposed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.

“Kirsten’s experience working with stakeholders to develop and implement effective climate finance policy solutions will be vital for the launch of the NCEF,” said Jeffrey Schub, CGC’s Executive Director. “We are thrilled to bring Kirsten on board, continue our partnership with the state of Nevada and open the NCEF for business.”

About the Nevada Clean Energy Fund

The Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) provides innovative financing and market solutions to accelerate the growth of affordable and accessible clean energy in Nevada. NCEF is an independent nonprofit organization governed by a board of directors. NCEF was established by Senate Bill 407 during the 79th session of the Nevada Legislature.

About the Governor’s Office of Energy

The Governor’s Office of Energy (GOE) oversees energy programs required through statute and those that help to meet the mission of the office, which is to ensure the wise development of Nevada’s energy resources in harmony with local community economic needs and Nevada natural resources. 

About the Coalition for Green Capital

CGC is a non-profit with a mission to halt climate change by accelerating investment in clean energy technologies. CGC achieves this by advocating for, creating and implementing Green Bank finance institutions. Green Banks are a proven finance model that uses public and philanthropic funds to mobilize private investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and other decarbonization technologies. For over a decade, CGC has led the Green Bank movement, working at the federal, state and local level in the U.S. and in countries around the world. By increasing investment and accelerating the construction of clean power, CGC is helping deliver a cleaner, better future.